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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DocAJ1589 Posted - 11/06/2024 : 10:00:52
I'm just curious as to everyone's opinion on the future of the Super 7 location(s). USA n Mobile has submitted a bid and I believe more are expected. Protective Stadum is a beautiful venue but would you like to see more cities/campuses come into play and which venues would you like to see?

The Doc AJ
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DocAJ1589 Posted - 11/06/2024 : 16:26:27
Originally posted by BrianYoung

Alabama State

This would be a great rotation.

The Doc AJ
oneontafan Posted - 11/06/2024 : 16:00:15
Alabama State would be an ideal spot (instead of the Cramton Bowl).

Troy is a great one, too. I've seen the stadium, but never watched a game there.

Off topic: What is it about stadium designers who forget that thousands of people have to park somewhere in the same universe as the stadium? High schools are among the worst.

Almost like, "We have a stadium here that seats 5000 people and we have a parking lot that holds 200 cars. Where's the problem?"
BrianYoung Posted - 11/06/2024 : 15:36:56
Alabama State
oneontafan Posted - 11/06/2024 : 15:01:15
David, I didn't know that it had gotten that bad. It's been decades since I was last there.

U. of South Alabama would be a better choice in that regard then.

dparker Posted - 11/06/2024 : 14:02:03
oneontafan - You must have never been to Ladd-Peebles Stadium. It is terrible. Basically should be demolished. But if Mobile did get in the mix I am sure the games would be played at South Alabama which is a new stadium that is small enough to be a great venue for the Super 7.

I am not advocating for Mobile just wanted to point that out having seen many games at Ladd-Peebles over the past 50 years. There is nothing nice about that place from parking to concessions to security. The coldest I have ever been in my life was at the Senior Bowl back in the 1980s.

Personally I prefer Protective every year.

David Parker
DocAJ1589 Posted - 11/06/2024 : 13:26:20
Originally posted by oneontafan

I don't like the idea of the Super 7 games being played too far south or too far north, though Ladd-Peebles Stadium is very nice and meets two of my criteria

My choices would be -
Burgess-Snow Stadium at Jacksonville
Cramton Bowl in Montgomery
Protective, even with its horrible parking situation

My criteria -
Relatively close to any possible contestants without a 5 hour drive
Plenty of parking (frowning at you, Protective!!)
No freaking running track (I want to be close enough to see the game)
Handicap friendly (for all handicapped, not just wheelchairs)
Fairly clean restrooms obviously

I would love to see it come to Montgomery every so often as well. I think the only issue with Crampton Bowl is the lack of luxury suites. Perhaps they could partner with Alabama State and use their stadium.
Would be nice to see Troy become part of the rotation as well.

The Doc AJ
oneontafan Posted - 11/06/2024 : 12:58:52
I don't like the idea of the Super 7 games being played too far south or too far north, though Ladd-Peebles Stadium is very nice and meets two of my criteria

My choices would be -
Burgess-Snow Stadium at Jacksonville
Cramton Bowl in Montgomery
Protective, even with its horrible parking situation

My criteria -
Relatively close to any possible contestants without a 5 hour drive
Plenty of parking (frowning at you, Protective!!)
No freaking running track (I want to be close enough to see the game)
Handicap friendly (for all handicapped, not just wheelchairs)
Fairly clean restrooms obviously Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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