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 Games Moved to Thursday

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DocAJ1589 Posted - 11/07/2024 : 12:11:58
Does anyone have a list of the games that have been moved to Thursday (11/7)?

The Doc AJ
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bs091880 Posted - 11/07/2024 : 14:52:55
Originally posted by TheMUBM

According the AHSFHS facebook group these have moved to tonight

Saraland vs. Chelsea
Linden vs Southern Choctaw

And according to Fox out of Mobile these are scheduled tonight:

Hale Co vs Bayside
Hillcrest-Evergreen vs SS Selma
Handley vs St Michael
Hoover vs Fairhope
Vestavia Hills vs Mary Montgomery

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM

Thanks for complete list.
BamaJoe Posted - 11/07/2024 : 12:48:43
I heard Fyffe plays tonight.

Go Eagles!
DocAJ1589 Posted - 11/07/2024 : 12:29:08
Originally posted by TheMUBM

According the AHSFHS facebook group these have moved to tonight

Saraland vs. Chelsea
Linden vs Southern Choctaw

And according to Fox out of Mobile these are scheduled tonight:

Hale Co vs Bayside
Hillcrest-Evergreen vs SS Selma
Handley vs St Michael
Hoover vs Fairhope
Vestavia Hills vs Mary Montgomery

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM

Thank you

The Doc AJ
TheMUBM Posted - 11/07/2024 : 12:23:01
According the AHSFHS facebook group these have moved to tonight

Saraland vs. Chelsea
Linden vs Southern Choctaw

And according to Fox out of Mobile these are scheduled tonight:

Hale Co vs Bayside
Hillcrest-Evergreen vs SS Selma
Handley vs St Michael
Hoover vs Fairhope
Vestavia Hills vs Mary Montgomery

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