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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TheMUBM Posted - 11/18/2024 : 10:49:44
We have points now that 7A has their final four. Here is where it stands.


Mikey3018 = 2
Giglin = 3
Hands Up Cats = 1
PCChase = 1
TYoung = 1
TheMUBM = 2
GoldenTiger86 = 3
UNA 2004 = 1
Kody = 1
BrianYoung = 2
Hthe3 = 3
bs091880 = 1
Necessary = 1
Bandkid = 2
Bhamcityfan = 1
NorthALBall = 3
Sloth = 1
Cwak = 1
JMM = 2
jfootball = 2
Patriots = 2
Torran = 1
CoachWilcox = 1
Power Ratings = 1

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bhamcityfan Posted - 12/12/2024 : 09:08:00
will do
dparker Posted - 12/09/2024 : 08:43:31
If Bhamcityfan will email me your name and address I will get a $50 gift certificate to you just in time for Christmas.

Thanks for participating everyone. It was fun and we'll do it all again next year. Congrats to the winner who basically smoked the field. Amazing.

Thanks to Chris for setting this up and managing it for us.

David Parker
TheMUBM Posted - 12/09/2024 : 08:13:51
Leader(s) in bold & red


Winner of the contest is BhamCityFan. Congratulations!

Mikey3018 = 43

Giglin = 54

Hands Up Cats = 44

PCChase = 56

TYoung= 48

TheMUBM = 35

GoldenTiger86 = 48

UNA 2004 = 40

Kody = 48

BrianYoung = 45

Hthe3 = 41

bs091880 = 38

Necessary = 46

Bandkid = 46

Bhamcityfan = 64

NorthALBall = 37

Sloth = 48

Cwak = 32

JMM = 42

jfootball = 30

Patriots = 49

Torran = 34

CoachWilcox = 36

Power Ratings = 50

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM
TheMUBM Posted - 12/06/2024 : 13:15:47
Leader(s) in bold & red

Update after 4A Finals

I think we only had 6 that didn't pick Jackson

Mikey3018 = 43

Giglin = 49

Hands Up Cats = 44

PCChase = 51

TYoung= 48

TheMUBM = 35

GoldenTiger86 = 43

UNA 2004 = 40

Kody = 48

BrianYoung = 40

Hthe3 = 41

bs091880 = 38

Necessary = 41

Bandkid = 46

Bhamcityfan = 54

NorthALBall = 37

Sloth = 48

Cwak = 32

JMM = 42

jfootball = 30

Patriots = 49

Torran = 29

CoachWilcox = 36

Power Ratings = 50

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM
TheMUBM Posted - 12/06/2024 : 12:12:42
Update after CPC/Thompson

Leader(s) in bold & red

Update after 5A Finals

Mikey3018 = 37

Giglin = 44

Hands Up Cats = 39

PCChase = 46

TYoung= 43

TheMUBM = 30

GoldenTiger86 = 43

UNA 2004 = 35

Kody = 43

BrianYoung = 35

Hthe3 = 36

bs091880 = 38

Necessary = 36

Bandkid = 41

Bhamcityfan = 49

NorthALBall = 37

Sloth = 43

Cwak = 32

JMM = 42

jfootball = 30

Patriots = 44

Torran = 29

CoachWilcox = 36

Power Ratings = 45

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM
TheMUBM Posted - 12/05/2024 : 12:34:53
Update after CPC/Thompson

Leader(s) in bold & red

We had only 2 people pick Thompson: GoldenTiger and JMM.

Mikey3018 = 27

Giglin = 39

Hands Up Cats = 34

PCChase = 36

TYoung = 38

TheMUBM = 25

GoldenTiger86 = 33

UNA 2004 = 30

Kody = 37

BrianYoung = 35

Hthe3 = 31

bs091880 = 33

Necessary = 31

Bandkid = 31

Bhamcityfan = 44

NorthALBall = 27

Sloth = 33

Cwak = 32

JMM = 37

jfootball = 30

Patriots = 34

Torran = 24

CoachWilcox = 31

Power Ratings = 35

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM
TheMUBM Posted - 12/02/2024 : 11:01:24
Third Round Update

Leader(s) in bold & red

Impressive week for BhamCityFan. They picked 10 of the 12 Super 7 participants right that were crowned Friday night. Congratulations!

Mikey3018 = 27

Giglin = 39

Hands Up Cats = 34

PCChase = 36

TYoung = 38

TheMUBM = 25

GoldenTiger86 = 28

UNA 2004 = 30

Kody = 37

BrianYoung = 35

Hthe3 = 31

bs091880 = 33

Necessary = 31

Bandkid = 31

Bhamcityfan = 44

NorthALBall = 27

Sloth = 33

Cwak = 32

JMM = 32

jfootball = 30

Patriots = 34

Torran = 24

CoachWilcox = 31

Power Ratings = 35

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM
TheMUBM Posted - 11/25/2024 : 10:44:17
Second Round Update

Leader(s) in bold & red

Mikey3018 = 12

Giglin = 18

Hands Up Cats = 16

PCChase = 15

TYoung = 17

TheMUBM = 16

GoldenTiger86 = 16

UNA 2004 = 12

Kody = 19

BrianYoung = 17

Hthe3 = 16

bs091880 = 15

Necessary = 13

Bandkid = 16

Bhamcityfan = 14

NorthALBall = 18

Sloth = 18

Cwak = 17

JMM = 17

jfootball = 18

Patriots = 16

Torran = 12

CoachWilcox = 13

Power Ratings = 17

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