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 Wadley gad players look like they 25 years old

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bs091880 Posted - 11/22/2024 : 20:17:56
Go watch the game. Like men against boys.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tom Servo Posted - 11/23/2024 : 07:26:56
They definitely looked huge against Berry. 54, 60, 72, 73, 77, 78 are all huge compared to what Berry had on the field. #6 is an excellent 2-way player for Wadley. Berry hung in there for a half but that was it. Game over

Originally posted by GiglnTiger

My guy, Wadley only has 1 player that?s a Goliath. That?s Wilkes. He?s a man child. He was that big 2 years ago as a freshman. lol. Berry never stood a chance. Like I said, the only team that?s beating Wadley is Wadley. The 1A title is there?s to lose.


Jeremy Wortham
(former RCHS student-athlete 2000-2003)

Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups

GiglnTiger Posted - 11/22/2024 : 22:28:19
My guy, Wadley only has 1 player thats a Goliath. Thats Wilkes. Hes a man child. He was that big 2 years ago as a freshman. lol. Berry never stood a chance. Like I said, the only team thats beating Wadley is Wadley. The 1A title is theirs to lose.


Jeremy Wortham
(former RCHS student-athlete 2000-2003)

Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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