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 Piedmont vs Fyffe

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tom Servo Posted - 11/23/2024 : 07:55:42
What a great game but you could tell Fyffe missed their superstar. They did a decent job without him but he's just too big a player to overcome against a very solid Piedmont team. Fyffe is going to be kicking themselves for missing the 2pt conversion in OT. The left side of their offense looked like they expected a different play. A couple players went the wrong way and let Piedomnt's defense have an untouched play against the QB for an easy stop. A bit anticlimactic to see blown assignments end the game but Piedmont deserved the win.

Piedmont vs Mars Hill should be a great game. Piedmont has already beat 4A semi-finalist Cherokee County and Mars Hill beat 5A Russellville, 4A Madison Academy and lost to 5A Scottsboro by 1 point. Very impressive for Mars Hill but Piedmont is no slouch. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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