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 Its crazy how Elba would rather

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bs091880 Posted - 11/29/2024 : 21:25:13
Get Alvin Henderson those last few yards than play for a state title.

Run the ball with 49 seconds on the 50.
IMO one of the top 2 or 3 RB ever but he was coaching the team last 1:30..

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
oneontafan Posted - 11/30/2024 : 10:31:03
I didn't see that game, but I think the coach was right in giving the ball to his best player with the best chance of making something happen when the game was on the line.

That said, I have seen coaches leave a player in to "pad his stats".
Fourth quarter, ahead by 4 or 5 scores, second team in, but #1 QB or #1 RB or whatever is still in the game. Don't say it doesn't happen.

That's why I don't pay much attention to a player's stats outside of context. How many of those yards were basically meaningless? Show me what a player does against a team equal to, or better than, his own.
bs091880 Posted - 11/30/2024 : 06:29:17
Originally posted by GiglnTiger

I didnt watch the game but I know enough to say it wasn?t about getting Alvin those last few extra yards, as it was putting the ball in your best players hands to make a play. If coaching was easy, everyone would be out there.


Jeremy Wortham
(former RCHS student-athlete 2000-2003)

Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups

They were getting 7 to 8 yards running the balloon that last drive.

At some point you have to say with less than 50 seconds at midfield probably need to pass it.
Instead of running it into a 10 man box.

Coaching is definitely not easy but I just don't understand it.
GiglnTiger Posted - 11/30/2024 : 05:46:03
I didnt watch the game but I know enough to say it wasn?t about getting Alvin those last few extra yards, as it was putting the ball in your best players hands to make a play. If coaching was easy, everyone would be out there.


Jeremy Wortham
(former RCHS student-athlete 2000-2003)

Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
Mosleh87 Posted - 11/29/2024 : 23:14:17
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