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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DocAJ1589 Posted - 12/03/2024 : 14:30:50
Does anyone know which teams will be home team sideline and which will be on the visitor's sideline?
Was hoping to find on AHSAA website but no luck.

The Doc AJ
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dparker Posted - 12/04/2024 : 08:14:41
We will be in the press box some of the time but if you or anyone else wishes to meet us for a chat, text me between games and maybe we can meet up for a few minutes. It will be a busy day for us but I am always willing to take time to meet the high school football fans.

I will be there this afternoon for the next three days and all the games.


David Parker
DocAJ1589 Posted - 12/03/2024 : 22:01:41
Originally posted by dparker

Looking forward to watching the Rebels on Friday.

Originally posted by DocAJ1589

Thank you all. Trying to make sure all of our people know what side of the stadium to sit on.

The Doc AJ

David Parker

David do you know where you guys are going to be setting up Friday?

The Doc AJ
oneontafan Posted - 12/03/2024 : 19:12:59
It's gonna be a big cold stadium. I'm tempted to find a place out of the wind even if all I can do is hear the game.

I'll be dressed like that kid in the movie A Christmas Story.

Speaking of cold games, I was at the Oneonta - Abbeville game 53 years ago, December 3, 1971. It was played in Boaz. When the game was over the teams had played to a 0 - 0 tie, and I was nearly frozen.
dparker Posted - 12/03/2024 : 19:10:28
Looking forward to watching the Rebels on Friday.

Originally posted by DocAJ1589

Thank you all. Trying to make sure all of our people know what side of the stadium to sit on.

The Doc AJ

David Parker
DocAJ1589 Posted - 12/03/2024 : 18:14:05
Thank you all. Trying to make sure all of our people know what side of the stadium to sit on.

The Doc AJ
oneontafan Posted - 12/03/2024 : 16:13:37
I got this from hall-Tech Sports yesterday. It's been hard to find and it is somewhat important. The AHSAA should be first and upfront with info like this.

Thompson is home

Houston Academy is home

Maplesville is home

Montgomery Catholic is home

Cherokee Co is home

Reeltown is home

Saraland is home

Chsreddevil Posted - 12/03/2024 : 15:56:36
At least for 7A, Central is away and Thompson is Home, Thompson is the 7A ?south? champion so I?m assuming that south is home but I?m not sure.
DocAJ1589 Posted - 12/03/2024 : 15:25:17
Originally posted by dparker

I'll find out.

David Parker

Thank you

The Doc AJ
dparker Posted - 12/03/2024 : 15:19:22
I'll find out.

David Parker
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