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 History of High School Football in Alabama
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 Coach Mark Freeman

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
robinsonakr Posted - 12/05/2024 : 08:28:21

26 years as a head coach and he has won 11 state championships while playing for 15.

Thats pretty incredible! 26 years as a head coach and he was in the title game for all but 11 of those.

It looks like every school he has been at except Gulf Shores, he took them from being average and built something. At Gulf Shores he was 9-3 then 4-6.

I knew he has been pretty successful at places, but didnt realize how successful until I dug into his stats after winning another one last night at Thompson!

Still 10 years and 94 wins behind all-time leader Danny Horn, but still...hes done pretty well! Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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