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 Moody vs Catholic

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Tom Servo Posted - 12/05/2024 : 23:06:30
Best game so far but I feel bad for Moody. They had a couple of tough breaks but either team was deserving. I think Catholic was probably favored to win but it was very close.
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mattharris75 Posted - 12/07/2024 : 19:39:51
Originally posted by oneontafan

There is a VAST difference in transferring (time and expense plus all the paperwork), and simply paying to go to a school that's not close to where you live. Four years of tuition at a private school is still less than buying a house.

Private schools still have school zones. If you live outside of that school zone and transfer to the private school you have to sit out a year. You have to make a bona fide move into that private school's school zone to be immediately eligible, just like public school...
oneontafan Posted - 12/07/2024 : 13:35:55
Yes, Moody has some transfers, but not as many as some here would imagine. The city is growing and it's attracting more people to move there. So are Trussville, Clay, Springville, and Leeds. Just look how much Chelsea and Calera have grown in the last 20 years.

There is a VAST difference in transferring (time and expense plus all the paperwork), and simply paying to go to a school that's not close to where you live. Four years of tuition at a private school is still less than buying a house.

They may as well advertise on television - If you cannot afford a private school, one may be provided for you, IF you're good at football.

If y'all want to debate it, go for it. For me the debate is over.

GoldenTiger86 Posted - 12/06/2024 : 11:17:31
Without turning this into public vs private part 23492034548120, isn't Moody a program that is kinda perceived (rightly or wrongly) as being basically an all-star team themselves?
Tom Servo Posted - 12/06/2024 : 10:59:30
Originally posted by oneontafan

A friend of mine called this morning. He's a retired high school football coach who watched the game. After a long conversation, he said, "Moody lost to what amounted to a Montgomery County All-Stars team."

Fix that.

How? I think the AHSAA has done a good job with the multiplier so what else is there? Increase it to 1.5 - 1.75 or more? Form a specific category for private schools like some other states? I dont think we have enough private schools to do that. Its a tough solution.
oneontafan Posted - 12/06/2024 : 08:43:23
There is no recourse for the officiating. It seemingly gets worse every year. Even the NFL is having problems with it. I hope AI is not the solution.

There needs to be more done by the AHSAA to level the playing field between public and private schools, because what they're doing is not working. I have a few ideas that nobody would like.

A friend of mine called this morning. He's a retired high school football coach who watched the game. After a long conversation, he said, "Moody lost to what amounted to a Montgomery County All-Stars team."

Fix that.

NorthALBall Posted - 12/06/2024 : 08:37:57
Originally posted by oneontafan

It was an embarrassment for the state of Alabama.

The quality of officiating has consistently gone down since Mark Jones's departure as the Director of Officials. It is not just football. I do NOT blame the contest officials. I think all officials work hard and try to do their best for these athletes. They are just not trained properly or put in positions to succeed by those in power.

They pulled a crew from a regional basketball game at halftime two years ago. There have been many controversial calls in multiple sports. At some point, all of those things are just symptoms of the larger problem within the organization.
Chsreddevil Posted - 12/06/2024 : 06:56:19
That fumble call was certainly something I will say.
oneontafan Posted - 12/06/2024 : 06:46:46
It was embarrassment for the state of Alabama. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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