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T O P I C    R E V I E W
robinsonakr Posted - 01/28/2025 : 11:07:10
Interesting story and comments in this article about CB and Catholic's head coach leaving:
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BamaJoe Posted - 02/06/2025 : 06:51:40
Originally posted by JEREF

Look to Madison Academy to see how this plays out.

2011 thru 2015 - Destroyed 3A, multiple championships
2016 thru 2017 - Did very well vs. 4A
2018 thru 2019 - Had the first losing record since 2002 vs. 5A
2020 thru 2021 - Did very well vs. 4A
2022 thru 2023 - Back to destroying most of 3A
2024 - 4A again, doing very well again

Looks like they've equalized in 4A, with 5A being too big. The same likely happens to Montgomery Catholic. They'll go up to 6A, won't have a point differential of 500pts on the season, and probably lose in the 3rd round for two years straight.

You are 100% correct, you just left out the fact they can recruit more kids if they want. The private schools can be competitive at any level they just have to decide how committed they are.

Go Eagles!
mcslate Posted - 02/05/2025 : 14:33:03
I'd think moving up to 6A would actually help them get more recruits. Seems like it'd be harder to recruit a public 6A or 7A school athlete and convince him that playing against rural 4A and 5A county schools is more beneficial to him. But playing against larger 6A and 7A schools? Which are college coaches going to find more impressive? And if they recruit the right athletes a school with 5000 students wouldn't matter.

7A Region 4 has 6 schools over the 1300 student enrollment mark and nobody can get to the second round. Half of them wouldn't make the 6A playoffs.
WCGuru1 Posted - 02/05/2025 : 09:40:45
Originally posted by DocAJ1589

I have a hard time feeling sorry for the private schools in this situation. I have seen firsthand that they absolutely recruit athletes to their institutions and give themselves a competitive advantage.

The Doc AJ

I dont feel sorry for them at all..
and Now School Choice makes it even easier for them to recruit.. since
MeMaw will hand them $7000 per student..

Does Public schools recruit.. yep but its alot harder..
JEREF Posted - 02/04/2025 : 10:45:39
Look to Madison Academy to see how this plays out.

2011 thru 2015 - Destroyed 3A, multiple championships
2016 thru 2017 - Did very well vs. 4A
2018 thru 2019 - Had the first losing record since 2002 vs. 5A
2020 thru 2021 - Did very well vs. 4A
2022 thru 2023 - Back to destroying most of 3A
2024 - 4A again, doing very well again

Looks like they've equalized in 4A, with 5A being too big. The same likely happens to Montgomery Catholic. They'll go up to 6A, won't have a point differential of 500pts on the season, and probably lose in the 3rd round for two years straight.
DocAJ1589 Posted - 01/29/2025 : 09:30:40
I have a hard time feeling sorry for the private schools in this situation. I have seen firsthand that they absolutely recruit athletes to their institutions and give themselves a competitive advantage.

The Doc AJ
oneontafan Posted - 01/28/2025 : 18:00:30
SECTION 8. AMATEUR RULE. Only amateurs are eligible. An amateur is one who does not use his/her knowledge of athletics or athletic skill for gain.

A lot of eyes are watching which way this goes.

GoldenTiger86 Posted - 01/28/2025 : 17:53:55
My sympathy is at an all-time low. And I generally am probably as pro-private vs public competition as anyone.
BamaJoe Posted - 01/28/2025 : 14:09:07
Go recruit a few more kids. Its pretty simple. At 225 kids they certainly shouldn't be competing against mostly rural public schools in 3A

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