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 possible Addison opening

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jtoddo Posted - 12/14/2024 : 18:31:34
Talk about crazy, the school board is voting on Tuesday about relieving Addison Head Coach David Smothers of his duties as Head Coach at Addison. There is no claims of wrongdoing, no complaints of "coaching to hard" just he hasn't won enough and some parents don't like him.

The man has a 104-46 record in 13 seasons. He's made the playoffs 12 of his 13 years and folks are mad that he went 6-5 this season. Solution, fire the coach. Doesn't matter that his two-time all-state player and qb didn't play a down this year due to an injury suffered during last year's basketball season.

Some things just don't make sense. Who would want this job when a Addison graduate posts a 69% winning percentage and consistently makes the playoffs gets canned because he doesn't have an outgoing personality.

Sorry to go off on a tangent, but this is crazy. Before you ask, no I am not related to him, no I am not friends with him, I just cover the team for the local paper.

Any thoughts?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jtoddo Posted - 12/19/2024 : 19:05:21
I guess they are getting pushback because now the vote has been pushed back to Jan 6.
jtoddo Posted - 12/17/2024 : 19:15:18
Board meeting has been pushed back to Thursday now.
Sloth Nationzz Posted - 12/15/2024 : 02:11:25
Well if they move off him, some program is gonna get a heck of a football coach. Good luck to finding someone better if they make that move. Hard to beat that record and improve

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