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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 12/08/2022 : 15:51:42
Earlier today we lost one of the founding members of My friend Mike Naugher passed away in Piedmont. He was here from the beginning of and instrumental in getting all this going many years ago.

Mike was an avid Piedmont Bulldog fan who filmed the games for them over the years and did so much more for the program. He did a lot of the research in that area from Anniston to Fort Payne and Gadsden and all the schools in between.

I had the privilege to meet Mike a few times over the years and he was always pleasant and eager to chat about the Bulldogs or Alabama football. I am sure the folks around Piedmont feel as if they have lost a good one today.

My prayers are with the family as I know he will be greatly missed by the community.

Thanks for all you did Mike.

David Parker
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
powerlineman Posted - 12/14/2022 : 20:20:26
Man hate to hear this. I definitely remember him from here when the site started for sure.
GiglnTiger Posted - 12/10/2022 : 00:08:35
I had the privilege of meeting Mike a few times over the last 5 years when I was doing media coverage in East Alabama. Definitely a great man who loved his bulldogs and football in general. The Piedmont community lost a good guy, as did we all here at AHSFHS.

Prayers & Condolences go out to his loved ones.

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
GiglnTiger Posted - 12/09/2022 : 22:26:35

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
WinstonCountyGrad Posted - 12/09/2022 : 13:51:47
This is sad to hear. I wondered why he had been absent and had thought about reaching out to him. Now I wished I had.


Proud native of the "Free State of Winston"
Fat_Coach Posted - 12/09/2022 : 11:52:54
Thank you for posting this. Sad news.

Originally posted by dparker

Obituary for Michael "Mike" Carl Naugher!/Obituary

David Parker

Sloth Nationzz Posted - 12/09/2022 : 00:29:32
Always saw him on the forums, always had great things to say. He will be missed dearly.
dparker Posted - 12/08/2022 : 21:09:32
Obituary for Michael "Mike" Carl Naugher!/Obituary

David Parker
mcslate Posted - 12/08/2022 : 20:06:31
RIP Mike, and thank you for all you've done here.
TheMUBM Posted - 12/08/2022 : 19:24:28
Didn't really know him that well, but I saw him post sometimes and you (David) told me how important he was to the start of this place. I hate to hear this and hopefully the rest of us users can honor his memory by carrying on his work here. My condolences.
BamaJoe Posted - 12/08/2022 : 19:05:03
Hate to hear this. I always enjoyed his comments. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Go Eagles!
dparker Posted - 12/08/2022 : 18:41:17
How you doing Andy? I miss seeing you, Mike and the others guys. We should plan another get together sometime soon.

You too were there from the beginning for the ride. I also appreciate everything you have done to progress our goals and make this thing possible.

David Parker
marengo Posted - 12/08/2022 : 17:26:55
Amen to that. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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