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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 NFL Players
 Here we go again

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 09/11/2015 : 12:08:06
Ok, it is time to find the NFL players from Alabama this year. The criteria is very simple. For a player to be added to our list they must play in a regular season game.

With that in mind, please help me out in identifying the rookies and any veterans that played high school football in the state. I will then add them to our list of NFL players.

I do not really watch much NFL so I don't know who will play and who does not.

Thanks in advance.

David Parker
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cwak Posted - 05/08/2016 : 18:18:12
don't know if it covers any oversights, but a good look at Alabama undrafted players who made it is the NFL.
jcbarnesjr10 Posted - 05/06/2016 : 11:18:42
Trey Flowers needs to be added to the list of NFL Players at Columbia High School in Huntsville. He was drafted by the New England Patriots in the 4th round last year and played in several games for them this past season Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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