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 Missing AISA Golf

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
spartan91 Posted - 11/20/2019 : 10:53:51
1974 Pike Liberal
1975 Pike Liberal
1985 Lakeside
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
spartan91 Posted - 11/22/2019 : 17:34:35
Found one more: AISA Golf 2001 Macon East
spartan91 Posted - 11/21/2019 : 13:23:04
You're Welcome. I was at both schools recently watching my nephew and saw the banners in the gym.

I posted some additional info back in February on a few champions and runner ups that was never updated. That may have been when you were on your trip.
dparker Posted - 11/20/2019 : 14:47:21
Thanks. Those can be difficult to find. I appreciate it.

David Parker
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