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AHSFHS Article Series

   The best of the best in Alabama High   
  School Football over the past 100 seasons.

The Greatest Games

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         The following article is reprinted from the Montgomery Advertiser dated Oct. 2, 1921. The author is unknown but it is similar to the style of writing that was common to the time. It is a game won by Aliceville 105-0 and is one of the most lopsided games in history.

Pickens County Boys Score 105 to 0
Against Buhl High School Team

          ALICEVILLE, ALA., Oct. 1, ---- Aliceville High football team yesterday crossed over into Tuscaloosa County and met the strong Buhl High School team. Although out-weighed about ten pounds to the man, and without the service of Earl Calley, star quarterback, who suffered a badly sprained leg in Tuesday's practice, and Edgar Carson, big left guard who just now is out of the game because of school work. Aliceville High went into the game with the same "punch" and determination that is making them famous.

          This is plainly shown by the fact that Buhl made first down only once during the game, and at no time did they threaten Aliceville's goal, as Turnipseed, Blass, Hagaman and Harris would break through Buhl's heavy forwards and invariably throw the runner for a heavy loss.

          While on offense Herman and Harold Sanders would skirt the ends for long gains almost at will, while Garner and Morrow had little difficulty in making nice gains through the heavy Buhl line. Captain Summerville and Turnipseed both handled a number of forward passes in a most creditable manor.

          Aliceville has an open date next Friday, October 7, as Gordo High with whom the date was scheduled, has cancelled the game. Aliceville would like to hear from any high school in Alabama who is a member of Alabama High School Athletic Association in reference to a game for October 7.

  The Memorable Games, a series on the important and memorable games in high school football history

David Parker

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Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History

Demopolis scored a record 761 points during the 2004 season. The Tigers finished the season 15-0.