Website Updates
- Updates will be posted in the forums from now on. I will leave these to give new visitors an idea of how we began.
- Wednesday 8/15/07 - Have been working constantly entering scores for sometime now. I changed the team pages index to reflect where we are in the reseach of each team and coaches.
- Sunday 8/5/07 - Updated the team pages to reflect the progress we are making and show the cities each school is in.
- Friday 8/3/07 - Updated over 200 team pages the past two days. Did some work on the Playoff Records with some new files. Added some files to the Records Section for all time wins and region records.
- Wednesday 8/1/07 - Added a new forum for schools no long playing football. Finally got the computer straightened out. I decided to do some upgrades of two hard drives and it didn't go smoothly. I am working to finish the regions area with what I have and to figure out all the region champs.
- Sunday 7/29/07 - Added a contributors page in the right navigation bar. I have been getting a lot of stuff via email and wished to recognize those efforts. Added the teams that have made the USA Today polls since 1982 in the Rankings section.
- Monday 7/23/07 - Did some work on the polls page. got a few polls on the site for 1960-65. I really never collected the polls but would like to get 1960-66 since I know they existed on a statewide level at that time.
- Sunday 7/22/07 - Finished all the team page updates to the new format. Rechecked as many 2007 coaching changes I could find. Forums seem to be working well up to now. I will work on getting the region area finished now.
- Thursday 7/19/07 - Finally the Forums are operational. I will continue to work on the look until we get something a little more pleasing, but the main thing is they are funtional. I have finished enough testing and setup to open them up. Hopefully they will be used by everyone. The catch is you will have to register to post. Don't woory about that. I just had to set it up that way to keep them from getting out of hand and spammed continuously.
- Sunday 7/15/07 - Continuing to find more coaches. Now have 153 in the list with 100 wins. I added a short bio on the coaches in the Hall of Fame. I have a little better design for the team pages I am woking on to enhance them. Finished all the coaches I know about on the team pages. Started a FAQ page to answer questions visitors may have about the site.
- Wednesday 7/11/07 - Finished the coaches section for now. This is all the coaches I can find with 100 wins until I get more information. Got the 3A, 4A and 5A teams uploaded with new coaching information on each page.
- Tuesday 7/10/07 - I have been working the past few days on getting the coaches on the team pages. I still have another day or two before they are all ready. I uploaded the 6A teams with what I have to date.
- Friday 7/6/07 - Finished all the schools with the regional alignment information I have and got it all uploaded to the team pages. Now have 1988-89, 1994-95, 1998-2006 complete as much as possible. I have the regional aligments for 1976-1981 but they are hardeer to figure out. It seems the teams were not required to play every team in their region. They could use designated games instead whichj creates a problem determining region champs since I do not know which games were designated games.
- Thursday 7/5/07 - Got all the 2A teams updated with the regions games I have on their team pages. Only have the 1A schools and schools no longer playing football to be done with this. Worked some more on the coaches that I found today with 100 wins.
- Wednesday 7/4/07 - Working on the coaches section to get a page for each coach with 100 wins.
- Tuesday 7/3/07 - Got a lot done on the region records for the 3A and 4A teams.
- Saturday 6/30/07 - Getting the region records uploaded. This is a slow process because they need to be updated before they can be put on the site.
- Friday 6/29/07 - Worked on the All state teams to make them look a little nicer. Also got all the teams added from 1990-2006. Still need some work on the Honorable Mention teams for a few years. Added the Last 25 years records, Post WWII records and the 1980s records under the 'records' link. Added the 'Team History' page under the new link in the left column. It's a list of when teams began playing football. Added a file for the winningest coaches even if it is incomplete. I added some more years to the regions pages.
- Thursday 6/28/07 - Finished setting up the team pages. Still have a lot of work to do with the mascots and colors before they are complete. Most of it is with the teams that no longer play football. Worked on the All State teams and got most of the 1990s finished.
- Tuesday 6/26/07 - Uploaded many of the 2A and some 1A teams pages. Put up a couple of files under the champions folder for past champions and all time playoff records of the teams. Should get finished with all the team pages by the weekend.
- Monday 6/25/07 - Got a bunch of scores for Childersburg from Daryl. Updated Childersburg. Got more than half of the 3A schools uploaded. Updated TR Miller from info Adam sent.
- Sunday 6/24/07 - Got all the 6A, 5A and Southwest Alabama teams uploaded to the site.
- Wednesday 6/20/07 - The website begins.
Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History
The Morgan Academy Senators have appeared in 14 state championship games from 1984-2008, winning the title 11 times.
The Morgan Academy Senators have appeared in 14 state championship games from 1984-2008, winning the title 11 times.