Amazing Seasons
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The following article is reprinted from the Montgomery Advertiser dated Dec. 12, 1920. The author is unknown but it is similar to the style of writing that was common to the time. It is the first known state championship in Alabama. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WITH GOAL UNCROSSED, LANIER HIGH CLAIMS STATE PREP CHAMPIONSHIP -------------------- Local Football Team Has Outplayed All Prep School Teams in the State During Season; Will Close Season Next Saturday ------------------- | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Football playing for the season for the Sidney Lanier eleven will close Saturday when the team plays the eleven representing Wright's Military Academy of Mobile. The Lanier team has not with defeat this season and their line has not been corssed. Their supporters are confident the team will come out of the coming battle with victory, and their goal line uncrossed. The Lanier team this year is one of the best ever representing Sidney Lanier. Getting away to an early start Coaches McCants, Austin and Penton were able to have more than 30 players out for scrimmage early in September. Two weeks before school opened a varsity eleven had rounded into condition and the "scrub" team was showing excellent material. The first contest was with West Point, Georgia, High School. Lanier swamping the Georgians 59-0. The next game was with Columbus, Georgia, High School, the latter team being coached by Strupper, former Georgia Tech star. Lanier won 17-0. The Fifth District Agricultural School at Wetumpka was the next victim by Lanier, the locals winning 56-0. Lanier took on their first real contender for the State prep title when on Nov. 6 they played Barton Academy of Mobile at Mobile. Lanier won 6-0. If Lanier had played the ball the team was capable of playing, the locals should have won by four touchdowns. On Armistice Day Lanier and Bessemer fought at Gunter Park in one of the hardest fought games ever played in the city. The "breaks" were against Lanier, as Lanier made 18 first downs against 4 by Bessemer. The game resulted in a scoreless tie, but comparison of yardage shows that Lanier gained more ground than Bessemer. Selma High School team was the next team to meet defeat by Lanier, the score being 21-0. On Thanksgiving Day Marbury High School eleven appeared at Gunter Park with a good record, but Lanier's machine smashed Marbury by the score of 42-0. Lanier supporters and coaches are claiming the state prep school championship on the above record. They claim that Bessemer, Central High School, and Albertville have all been scored upon. Bessemer and Albertville played a seven to seven game, while Bessemer and Central High School also played to a 7-7 affair. Lanier at both of their end positions have two of the best players in the state. In E. Willis and Cooper Lanier places two of the lightest ends in the state, but they have been a tower of strength to the team and will certainly receive some place on an all prep state selection. At tackles will be found Norman and McFadden, while at guards are Estes, Key and Fitzgerald. At center Thompson could easily be selected as the best in the state. In the backfield McGauley at quarterback has run the team well, and has directed the play like a veteran. Browder and Gregg, while playing their first year with the team, have won recognition for their work. Hudson at fullback has attracted more attention than any other player on the team. He hits the line hard and is one of the best defensive players in prep circles. If reports are true, he will be found with a college team next fall. The scrub players are not to be overlooked. They have worked hard all season, and those in the crowd who will make their letters are certainly worthy to wear them. The scrub players who have been out practically the entire season are O. Willis, McRae, Calheart, Hill, Paterson, Stough, Brown, Whatley, Darby, Barden, McPherson and Thompson.
Amazing Seasons, a series on the greatest seasons in high school football history
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Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History
Marion County defeated Meek 83-6 in a playoff game in 2012. It is the most points scored by a team in a playoff game.
Marion County defeated Meek 83-6 in a playoff game in 2012. It is the most points scored by a team in a playoff game.