
We now have 113 teams &  
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Team Records

      Ever wonder how teams stack up against each other? This is your chance to find out.
By Decades
Record sorted by Winning Percentage Record sorted by Wins
 2010-2023   2010-2023  
 2000-2009   2000-2009  
 1990-1999   1990-1999  
 1980-1989   1980-1989  
 1970-1979   1970-1979  
 1960-1969   1960-1969  
 1950-1959   1950-1959  
All-Time Records
Last 25 Years (1995-2023) 
Post WWII (1946-2023) 
All Time Records (Alphabetical) 
All Time Records (Percentage) 
All Time Records (Wins) 
All-Time Playoff Records
Playoff Records (sorted by Wins) 
Playoff Records (sorted by Winning Pct.) 
Playoff Records (sorted Alphabetical)