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 Handley?s Courtney Strain Screws steps down.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
GiglnTiger Posted - 06/14/2024 : 09:08:45
Some of you may remember Courtney as a standout basketball athlete at Woodland High School in the mid 2000?s. Some of you may remember her as a stand out athlete at JSU. Some of you may know of Courtney by her dad (Handley HS Coach Larry Strain). I dont know what actually happened but Handley definitely lost an extremely awesome & talented coach. So where ever she decides to coach in the near future, that team will be extremely lucky to have her.

Posted by her husband Dalton on social media & also seen in The Randolph Leader a couple weeks ago.

Coach Courtney Strain Screws:

8: Years as a head coach
8: Playoff appearances
6: Sweet 16
4: Elite 8
4: Area Championships

I am one to stay very quiet on social media, but I have to speak up when I feel that something needs to be heard. You would be hard pressed to find a coach that has been more successful at building a girl's basketball program in such a short amount of time than Courtney. She has fought for 8 years to take young girls and turn them into strong women, teaching them how to be successful both on and off the court. I have watched her pour countless hours into preparation and spend her own resources to make sure that her girls were taken care of. She has fought whoever necessary to get her girls state-wide recognition and put Handley girl's basketball on the map in the state of Alabama. No season was harder than last, as she continued to have to fight both internally and externally to get her girls the recognition and respect that they deserve. After some frustrating circumstances, much prayer, and conversation with family, colleagues, and administration, Courtney felt it was best to give up coaching basketball this year. This was a gut wrenching decision that I have watched my wife go through, as the love she has for her girls, program, school, and sport of basketball are unmatched.

Most of you are unaware that Courtney has stepped away from coaching basketball. It's hard to imagine that a coach could take a program so far, carry the Handley name to such high places, and still be able to step away from the game without a word of praise spoken about her. Everyone else may be silent, but not me.

Coach Court, I have loved watching your drive, passion, and dedication to your calling. I see the legacy that you are making in the young women that have come up through your program. I am proud to call you my wife.


Jeremy Wortham
(former RCHS student-athlete 2000-2003)

Randolph County Tigers

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