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 Player transfer resources

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ristaneo Posted - 05/23/2024 : 14:32:42
Hey all!I was doing some prep for next season and realized a healthy amount of players had changed schools and some were pretty impactful like the Millry QB going to Citronelle. Online rosters arent the most reliable and checking social media only helps half the time. It got me thinking about an offseason transfer section on here. It might be too daunting but I do think it would be helpful, particularly for the lineman and defensive guys. I'm also only thinking about my area and I forget this site serves the whole state so that would be alot to keep up with. Hey, free idea if someone wants to tackle it! lol I'd use it

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bulldog5 Posted - 06/10/2024 : 11:59:39
I find it odd that a private school guy is having to provide this information based on some of the comments in the forum.

Best Source right now, MaxPreps. You can find each school's roster and sometimes their stats. You can ID stat leaders that don't appear on the roster as freshman or sophomores and you can start digging. Sometimes they will show their first school on MaxPreps. Sometimes you have to put their name into Hudl search, kids love their highlights. They will have highlights from both schools.

Gulf Shores from the 2023 season is a great way to see how to conduct that research. This works well for all positions except OL.
Bum Pickins Posted - 05/23/2024 : 18:14:53
AHSAA should produce a public report on this. I have heard they check this at every school. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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