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 History of High School Football in Alabama
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 Minor Christian School 1978

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Buddy Sparkman Posted - 05/24/2016 : 13:45:51
Minor Christian Head Coach in 1978 and 1979 was Terry Smith.
Minor Christian did not play Westminster Christian that year.
The Evangel Christian game dated 9-1-78 was won by Minor Christian 20-12.
Minor Christian was not a member of the AHSAA, we were a member of the Alabama Christian Athletic Conference Class 2A
As soon as I verify one final score I will have the full schedule including scores for each game.
I was a member of that team.
Our overall record was 7-4 including the win over Evangel Christian of Mobile in the Championship game, played at Minor Christian Stadium. The correct final score of that game was MCHS 21-Evangel Christian 6.

Buddy Sparkman
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dparker Posted - 05/24/2016 : 21:37:00
I took off the Westminster game. You were right. Westminster later changed their name to Westbrook Christian played Mobile Christian that week. I just got it in the wrong place somehow.

Somewhere, somehow I found out that Minor Christian had to forfeit the first game to Evangel.

I do not think I show Minor Christian as being a member of the AHSAA. They were a member of the AISA in 1980-81.

The other things I corrected or added.


David Parker
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