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Alabama All-Star Game
The 1952 game was tutored by Euil "Snitz" Snider from Bessemer as head coach for the South and Ernest Teel of Gadsden as director of the North. Assisting Snider were Sam Mason of Clift High, Opelika; T. D. "Teedie" Faulk, Dothan; Robert E. Hanks, U. M. S., Mobile; and Norwood Hodges, A. G. Parrish High, Selma. Teel was aided by C. A. Douglas, Carbon Hill; Grady S. Elmore, Cullman; Pete Ray, Russellville; and Jack Green, Gadsden.
This fifth annual All-Star game ended in a
7-7 deadlock. The South was favored to win but bogged down on two occasions in
North territory. Don Conner, the fullback from Gadsden, teamed with Obie Lineville of Coffee, to spark a 55-yard drive for touchdown shortly after the opening kickoff. James Campbell of Etowah made the score from the two. Piggy Watford of Gadsden was a threat on every play.
The South's lone score came on a pass from the II-yard line by Lanier's Bart Starr to schoolmate Nick Germanos. Starr was the unanimous choice for the outstanding back of the game. Jim Cunningham, the big tackle from Winfield, was named the outstanding lineman.