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 Coaching Changes 2010

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 12/09/2009 : 08:12:38
Below is a list of the coaching changes for 2010:

Alma Bryant - vacant - Ronnie Cotrell
Cold Springs - vacant - Tommy Youngblood
Holly Pond - vacant - Steve Miller
Holt - vacant - Tracy Dunn
Scottsboro - vacant - Freddie Tidmore
Weaver - vacant - Paul Farlow

David Parker
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tidefan102 Posted - 12/14/2010 : 08:18:48
This sounds like a very good hire for Spann Park. Shouldn't we be putting these under Coaching Changes for 2011?

Mike Naugher
svmounties Posted - 12/13/2010 : 22:08:00
Chip Lindsey is hired at Spain Park.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
svmounties Posted - 12/11/2010 : 01:00:42
Wofford gone at Baldwin County


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
WinstonCountyGrad Posted - 11/17/2010 : 15:47:24
Martin Glover is out at Dora.


Proud native of the "Free State of Winston"
dparker Posted - 11/16/2010 : 16:40:04
Shawn Gregory coached 6 games then Kirk Norris took over the helm. That is what the number means.

It is difficult to make a midseason coaching change show up very well.

David Parker
thepeoplesoc Posted - 11/16/2010 : 11:04:09
who was the georgiana coach this year? there are two names and a number listed on their page.
svmounties Posted - 11/11/2010 : 08:32:49
Dickey Wright resigns at Homewood.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
svmounties Posted - 11/10/2010 : 08:25:30
WS Neal is looking for a new coach as well.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
crimsonscholar Posted - 11/09/2010 : 10:19:51
Bruce Hills has resigned as interim head coach at Thompson.

thepeoplesoc Posted - 11/05/2010 : 10:14:48
Lanny Jones was not the head coach at isabella this season. Scott Booth returned this past spring.
svmounties Posted - 07/04/2010 : 21:50:40
Originally posted by kturner14

Not sure where the mix up is.

Mix up probably comes when teams that are bad replace their coaches almost every year and then receive no publicity about it. Then they're bad the following year and get no publicity and you read nothing about them and suddenly there's another new coach. Even the previews in the sports sections can list the wrong coach for some teams.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
kturner14 Posted - 07/04/2010 : 01:27:18
Curtis Graves is the new coach at Greensboro. It says that he replaces Jack Hazelrig, but Xavier Evans is listed on here as the coach for the past 4 years. Not sure where the mix up is.

*I looked it up on Google News
Mike Reynolds was the coach at Greensboro for 2004 & 2005
Xavian (not Xavier) Evans was the coach for 2006 & 2007
Jack Hazelrig was the coach for 2008 & 2009
svmounties Posted - 07/02/2010 : 10:51:52
Steve Coker takes over at LaFayette. He replaces Ike Grant, who retired.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
svmounties Posted - 07/02/2010 : 10:07:09
Jackie Ferguson comes out of retirement to take over as head coach at Colbert County.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
svmounties Posted - 07/02/2010 : 10:02:20
Leroy Miles Jr moves from athletic director at Southside Selma to take head job at Selma. This is the same Leroy Miles we have listed as head coach at Southside in the early 2000s.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
svmounties Posted - 07/02/2010 : 09:55:13
John Glasscock leaves East Memorial Christian to take a position at Meadowview.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
svmounties Posted - 07/02/2010 : 09:27:48
Chris Buckler moves from freshman football coach at John Carroll to head coach at Florala High.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
svmounties Posted - 07/02/2010 : 09:20:16
Bill Smith moves from Vina to Tharptown. The article also states in a sentence that Dale Overton wasn't the coach at Tharptown last year, but it wasn't exactly clear who was as they mentioned two people.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
svmounties Posted - 07/02/2010 : 08:51:23
Billy Woodham quits at Bessemer City and is replaced by former Alabama player Dennis Alexander.

Chris Wilson is hired at Washington County. He replaces Joe Nettles, who moves to Billingsley.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
tidefan102 Posted - 07/01/2010 : 08:49:47
Nice pub for this web site in the Holt story.

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