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AHSFHS Article Series

   The best of the best in Alabama High   
  School Football over the past 100 seasons.

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Alabama High School Football Teams


Team City     Complete
  First Season     1974-2024     All-Time     Coaches  
 O.S. Hill    Munford   1950  NA  Researched   
 Oak Grove    Oak Grove   1922  Complete     
 Oak Lane    Gordo   1940  NA     
 Oak Mountain    Pelham   1999  Complete  Complete  Complete 
 Oak Park Christian    Mobile   1997  Complete     
 Oakman    Oakman   1923  Complete  Researched   
 Oaks    Opelika   2019         
 Ohatchee    Ohatchee   1925  Complete  Complete   
 Oliver    Fairfield   1955  NA     
 Oneonta    Oneonta   1907  Complete  Researched   
 Opelika    Opelika   1917  Complete  Researched   
 Opp    Opp   1923  Complete  Researched   
 Orange Beach    Orange Beach   2020         
 Organic    Fairhope   1921  NA  Researched   
 Orrville    Orrville   1929  NA  Researched   
 Oxford    Oxford   1920  Complete  Researched  Complete 

* Complete = All information completed.
* Researched = Team has been researched to the best of our ability.
* If the first season for a team is unknown it is assigned a first year based on research.

Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History

Marion County defeated Meek 83-6 in a playoff game in 2012. It is the most points scored by a team in a playoff game.