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 1A-R3 tiebreaker

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Patriots70 Posted - 11/02/2024 : 11:36:41
I guess I'm missing something, but the AHSAA bracket has Pickens Academy in as the 4, but shouldn't it be Holy Spirit?

Here's the AHSAA bracket -

Holy Spirit/Pickens/RC Hatch all tied at 2-4 and played equal games, so it should have gone to non-region tiebreakers, which stand:

Holy Spirit - 1 (they beat 1-9 Sumiton Christian last night)
RC Hatch - 0 (only beat winless Sumter County)
Pickens Academy - 0 (no non-region wins)

I've had it as Holy Spirit and y'all have it as Holy Spirit. Any ideas? Am I missing a probation or something?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dparker Posted - 11/02/2024 : 19:52:47
I think that settles that. After a bunch of texts and conversations we have the answer. Actually it was Kurt who came up with that suggestion and it seems to answer the questions.

Thanks Jon and Kurt.

David Parker
Bandkid15 Posted - 11/02/2024 : 19:50:41
Originally posted by Patriots70

In talking to David about it, I think I get why now. I feel like it could be seen a couple of different ways, but basically the tiebreaking procedure has seven rules that have to be used with tiebreakers A-Q using rules 1-7.

Tiebreaking Rule #7 says "Contests against teams that are not eligible for the championship program are not used in figuring any tiebreakers. Games versus out-of-state schools will count in the breakers if the out-of-state school is a member of an NFHS-member association and eligible for championship play in that state association."

I've always taken that as "the team you beat has to be eligible" and not a level deeper to where "the team that was beaten by the team you beat ALSO has to be eligible".

Holy Spirit beat Sumiton Christian, but Sumiton Christian's win was over Belgreen who isn't in a classification and therefore eligible for a championship. So that win doesn't count. I only took it the first step of Sumiton Christian and not the second step of who they beat.

The non-region tiebreaker is L, so it goes back to 0 a piece for all teams for that one. It then goes to tiebreaker M which is total victories of all teams involved, not just non-region.

It looks like the score there is:

Holy Spirit - 4
Pickens Academy - 4
RC Hatch - 3 (because Pickens Academy only had 2 and the others had 3)

While technically no one can "lose" a tiebreaker, basically RC Hatch lost the tiebreaker despite beating Pickens Academy because Pickens Academy had less wins.

So it became a two-way tie at that point so it was between Holy Spirit and Pickens Academy, and Pickens Academy won that game. So they are fourth.


That is such a specific scenario I wonder how often this is pulled up.
Patriots70 Posted - 11/02/2024 : 19:42:41
In talking to David about it, I think I get why now. I feel like it could be seen a couple of different ways, but basically the tiebreaking procedure has seven rules that have to be used with tiebreakers A-Q using rules 1-7.

Tiebreaking Rule #7 says "Contests against teams that are not eligible for the championship program are not used in figuring any tiebreakers. Games versus out-of-state schools will count in the breakers if the out-of-state school is a member of an NFHS-member association and eligible for championship play in that state association."

I've always taken that as "the team you beat has to be eligible" and not a level deeper to where "the team that was beaten by the team you beat ALSO has to be eligible".

Holy Spirit beat Sumiton Christian, but Sumiton Christian's win was over Belgreen who isn't in a classification and therefore eligible for a championship. So that win doesn't count. I only took it the first step of Sumiton Christian and not the second step of who they beat.

The non-region tiebreaker is L, so it goes back to 0 a piece for all teams for that one. It then goes to tiebreaker M which is total victories of all teams involved, not just non-region.

It looks like the score there is:

Holy Spirit - 4
Pickens Academy - 4
RC Hatch - 3 (because Pickens Academy only had 2 and the others had 3)

While technically no one can "lose" a tiebreaker, basically RC Hatch lost the tiebreaker despite beating Pickens Academy because Pickens Academy had less wins.

So it became a two-way tie at that point so it was between Holy Spirit and Pickens Academy, and Pickens Academy won that game. So they are fourth.

spartan91 Posted - 11/02/2024 : 19:16:47

I came here to ask the same question. PA's Facebook page says that they are in the playoffs. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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