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AHSFHS Article Series

   The best of the best in Alabama High   
  School Football over the past 100 seasons.

2016 Helmets

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          Cody Walker has done a magnificent job of updating our helmets as the season has begun. We appreciate his hard work in keeping up with the constantly changing headgear for most teams. Fans have also been good about sending in photos of their helmets to assist us with this ever changing project.

          Now we are asking anyone else who finds a helmet on the site that needs to be updated to send us a photo and Cody will get one made for your favorite team.

          Below is a link to all the helmets we currently have if anyone wishes to assist us with the helmet project. Notice all the helmets that are still using the old style that need updating. It is usually because we do not know what the helmet being used by the school looks like. You can email photos directly to Cody Walker or to me at and I will pass them along to Cody.

          Thanks to everyone that has helped with this project and especially to Cody for his countless hours of hard work. Without his efforts we would likely discontinue using helmets on the website.

         All 2016 Helmets we have

Here are some of my favorites. Can you figure out which teams belong to these helmets?

David Parker

Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History

The Super 6 State Championships began in 1996. Since then all title games were played at Legion Field in Birmingham until 2009.