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AHSFHS Article Series

   The best of the best in Alabama High   
  School Football over the past 100 seasons.


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        We prefer to accept information in the forums. If you have complete records for a school or have the files in a format that can be emailed that will work also. If you wish to use email.... my email address is below or you may find the email address of any 'Founding Member' and send the files to them.

        We are interested in any information you have about High School football in Alabama. Feel free to contact us if you have a desire to join us in completing this project.

        If you prefer to email someone or have information of a more personal nature.
        Email the Administrator. You can find me at

        All we ask is that you include some form of verification for the information you are submitting. If you want to include a player on an all-state team, you will need to have a copy of the entire team from that particular classification.

        We receive a lot of email traffic and often it is not possible to verify information so we ask you to supply the verification if you wish to have it included. Especially for the all-sate teams.

Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History

The Morgan Academy Senators have appeared in 14 state championship games from 1984-2008, winning the title 11 times.