Records That Will Never Be Broken
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To kill some time during the off season, it might help to look at some of the more interesting records from high school football. We will begin with the records that will never be broken. It is very easy to understand why some of these will stand forever with rules changes and the evolution of the game. It would take an exceptional season by some school to break any of these in the near future.
Most Tie Games in a Season
This is one record that will never be broken since all games are played with overtime with a winner always determined. The record belongs to Collinsville way back in 1931 when the Panthers finished the season with a 2-3-5 record. The Panthers played Cedar Bluff, Southside, and Arab to scoreless ties during the season.
Shutout in a season
The 1996 season will best be remembered for the defense of the Clay County Panthers. During a 15-0 state championship run, the defense allowed a total of 42 points and shutout eleven foes along the way. For this record to be broken today it would take a monumental effort for any defense with the wide open offense being played. Brantley did get close to the record in 2012 with twelve shutouts during the season.
Consecutive Shutouts
During the 1927 and 1928 seasons, Florala shutout sixteen consecutive opponents. The Wildcats set a record that will likely never be broken unless the rules are changed to allow thirteen players on defense during a game. This record will stand mainly because if a team did have the greatest defense of all time they would need to shutout the best teams in their classification during the playoffs and a state championship game to reach seventeen consecutive shutouts.
Consecutive Undefeated Seasons
The record for the AHSAA schools belongs to the Tuscaloosa Black Bears between 1925-1931 with a record seven straight seasons undefeated. While the record could be toppled by Edgewood Academy in a couple more seasons, it is likely to never be broken by an AHSAA school simply because of the difficulty of making eight consecutive playoff runs.
Fewest Points Allowed in a Season
Here is a record that is shared by several teams but is unlikely to be broken anytime soon. According to the records we currently have, ten teams have completed a season without allowing a single point on defense. The last team to accomplish this feat was Cherokee County in 1938. The Warriors finished the season 7-0-1 and need a great defense since the offense only scored 98 points in the eight games.
Consecutive Region Losses
Here is an example of a record that will never be broken. Between 1975 and 2007 R.C. Hatch lost an amazing 123 consecutive region games. In today's world of high school football that record is very secure. The Bobcats have a good grip on the record with the second place team a distant 70 games behind their total.
Points Scored in a Game
Hamilton defeated Fayette County 125-0 during the 1915 football season and Langdale thumped Milltown 125-0 in 1925. These two games are the most lopsided according to our records. Somehow these two games seem to be secure in their place at the top of the heap.
Consecutive Region Championships
Hazlewood set this record with a string of seventeen consecutive area/region championships. The record was set when teams played in areas with usually four teams in each area. Now they compete in regions with generally eight teams competing for a title. It would be monumental for a team to string together enough seasons to break this record.
Consecutive Games Scoring
As anyone following high school football in Alabama recently knows, the T.R. Miller Tiger had their string of 354 consecutive games scoring snapped last season. While the record may be broken someday it will not be anytime soon. The next team in line would be Fyffe with a streak of 206 games. But, the Red Devils will need to score in a dozen games over the next twelve seasons to get close to the Tiger's record.
Most Games with a 2-0 score in a Season
One of the oddest records belongs to Geraldine. The Bulldogs defeated every Alabama opponent during the 1927 football season. The lone loss was to Central Chattanooga TN by a score of 2-0. Oddly enough, two of their wins came against Valley Head and Arab by identical 2-0 scores.
There you have it. A list of the football records least likely to be broken anytime soon, if ever.
David Parker
Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History
Etowah defeated Oxford 69-63 in 1991 to set a state record for most points scored by both teams in a playoff game.
Etowah defeated Oxford 69-63 in 1991 to set a state record for most points scored by both teams in a playoff game.