The Last Notebook
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The Last Notebook
Well all good things must come to an end. I have received and gone through the final notebook from our friend Bill Plott. The book had scores and coaches from Shelby, Bibb and Chilton Counties. I am glad that we now have all this work behind us but sad to see it come to an end.
It is my opinion that every school in the state has been researched to the best of everyone's ability. The scores we are still missing will be very difficult to find. But, on the bright side, there are a lot less blank spots than there were some ten years ago when we began this journey.
By my count we are missing only forty-seven games for the AHSAA schools since the beginning of the 1970 season. Some of those can be found. There is a group of twenty-one games in the 1992-16 seasons that I believe I can find but it will take some traveling to get them. Some are in the Dothan area and the remaining in the Demopolis area.
Most of the missing games since 1950 are for the AIAA, AISA and the Christian Leagues. While these games are important, I do not view them as top priority. All told we are missing about 1,000 of the more than 135,000 games played since 1950. That means we are about 99.2% complete over the past 67 seasons.
The 1,000 games sounds like a lot but in reality it is meager in comparison to what has been found. Most of the missing games are for very small schools with little newspaper coverage. If you remember that we have over 800 teams it works out to about one score per school. Not bad. I honestly never dreamed we would get this close to completing this project.
With all that said, there is still much work to be done. There are coaches that can be found and some scores for the AISA teams that are out there somewhere. So, to all the fans that have assisted us to this point, don't quit now. Be in search of anything missing and help us complete this thing someday.
Again a special thanks to Bill Plott. Without his countless hours of research over the years and his willingness to share everything with us, we would still be lacking a lot of coaches, dates and scores.
David Parker
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Marion County defeated Meek 83-6 in a playoff game in 2012. It is the most points scored by a team in a playoff game.
Marion County defeated Meek 83-6 in a playoff game in 2012. It is the most points scored by a team in a playoff game.