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2020 Alabama high school football preseason 

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          August is here which means it is time for some football. At least we all hope so. It has been a crazy few months but as of today it seems we will have high school football this year. It may be a little different than anything we have seen in the past but things are moving along as scheduled for most teams.

          Each state is following a different set of plans to work around COVID-19 outbreaks. Mississippi and Georgia have delayed the start of the season until Sept. 4. Kentucky has delayed the start of the season until Sept. 11. Some states like Illinois postponed the season until spring 2021. Many are proceeding as scheduled with fingers crossed. Alabama being one of those.

          It's going to be a very unique season as things constantly change. Several schools continue to be affected by COVID-19, and that won't likely change anytime soon. Barbour, Sumter, Perry, Clarke and Greene County schools will not participate in fall sports. It should be noted that Eufaula, which is in Barbour County, will play as scheduled because they are not in the county school system.

          It will be more important than ever this year to have fans and coaches participate in keeping at the top of our game. I think it will be difficult to get every game score each week with games being cancelled at the last minute or postponed until later. So if you know of a game that we are missing or the details of what is going on at your school it is important to convey that information to us so we can share it with everyone.

          We have been busier than normal here mostly because of the fact we are trapped inside much more than normal. During the off season a new state was added with the addition of Tennessee. We have also completed much of the research in Mississippi. A totally new project will be unveiled very soon when we take on the entire country with the top 100 schools in all-time in victories. That will be very interesting to see how some of the best of the best stack up against each other. We still have a little work to get that project off the ground but look for it in the next couple of weeks.

          We plan to proceed as usual with fresh content beginning soon as the start of the 2020 football season nears. That's about it for now but we will keep you posted as things change. Stay safe out there and keep your fingers crossed.

David Parker

Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History

Hamilton shutout an amazing 14 consecutive opponents from 1928-1930. A streak that will never be matched in modern football.