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2022 Football Coaching Changes

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New Hires: Fourteen
Best Hire: Dale Pruitt, Plainview
Hardest to Replace: Ryan Lolley, Gordo
Best Job: Gordo
Toughest Job: Elkmont
Most Interesting: The hiring of Scott Martin at Glencoe may be just what the Yellow Jackets need to turn their program around. Coach Martin has a history of rebuilding football programs having accomplished it previously at Ohatchee. His record in Alabama stands at 83-42 during his eleven year career. He also coached in Louisiana prior to coming to Alabama in 2009 when he took over the program at Calera. Glencoe has struggled recently averaging less than two wins a season over the past six years.
 2022 Coaching Changes 

    There were more new hires in 3A than in both lower classifications combined. Five of the new coaching hires were head coaches last season. Dale Pruitt returns to Plainview for the third time after a stint at Marion County in Tennessee.

     It will be interesting to see if Gus Smith can continue the winning tradition at Gordo. He is a veteran assistant with some of the better programs from south Alabama and should fit in well at Gordo.

 Team  2021 Season  2022 Season

Asbury (10-2)Steven KilcreaseChris Williams
Ashford (0-10)Robin TyraRobin Tyra
Bayside Academy (9-3)Phil LazenbyDaniel Powell
Brindlee Mountain (2-8)Brian GunnelsRoger Satcher
Brindlee Mountain (2-8)Brian GunnelsRoger Satcher
Brindlee Mountain (2-8)Brian GunnelsKeith Garner
Carbon Hill (0-10)Ervin StarrMark Cochran
Carbon Hill (4-6)Mark CochranMark Cochran
Chickasaw (6-4)Ryan LittleCarl Herring
Childersburg (4-6)Johnny JohnsonJohnny Johnson
Clements (5-5)Joby BurnsJoby Burns
Clements (4-7)Michael ParkerJoby Burns
Clements (4-7)Michael ParkerMichael Parker
Colbert County (6-5)Brett MaskScotty Hannah
Colbert County (6-5)Brett MaskScotty Hannah
Colbert Heights (6-5)Brett MaskTaylor Leathers
Colbert Heights (5-6)Taylor LeathersTaylor Leathers
Cottage Hill Christian (3-6)Bobby ParrishJeff Nelson.
Cottage Hill Christian (3-6)Bobby ParrishBobby Parrish
Dadeville (3-7)Hunter HollandRoger McDonald
Dadeville (6-4)Roger McDonaldRoger McDonald
Dadeville (6-4)Roger McDonaldRoger McDonald
Daleville (4-6)Luke TuckerWill Garner
Daleville (0-10)Will GarnerWill Garner
Dallas County (0-10)Will GarnerWill Garner
Dallas County (3-7)Douglas LaisterDouglas Laister
Elkmont (2-8)Nathan McDanielNathan McDaniel
Elkmont (0-10)Michael PendergastNathan McDaniel
Elkmont (0-10)Michael PendergastChris Bunio
Elkmont (0-10)Michael PendergastChris Bunio
Flomaton (6-4)Doug Vickery Jr.Doug Vickery Jr.
Glencoe (1-9)Brian Alred2/Jamison WadleyScott Martin
Glencoe (1-9)Brian Alred2/Jamison WadleyScott Martin
Gordo (9-3)Ryan LolleyGus Smith
Greensboro (5-6)KaRon ColemanWinston Johnson
Greensboro (4-6)Winston JohnsonWinston Johnson
Hale County (5-6)Luke LairdRyan Locke
Hale County (5-6)Luke LairdRyan Locke
Hanceville (3-7)Ryan BrewerRyan Brewer
Hillcrest Evergreen (7-6)Mike DeanWill Pouncey
Hillcrest Evergreen (7-6)Mike DeanHarry Crum
Hillcrest Evergreen (7-6)Mike DeanHarry Crum
Holly Pond (3-7)Mark CorneliusChris Moss
Holly Pond (3-7)Mark CorneliusChris Moss
J.B. Pennington (4-6)Rory BellRory Bell
J.B. Pennington (8-4)Todd CassityRory Bell
J.B. Pennington (8-4)Todd CassityCaleb Miles
Mobile Christian (2-7)Adrian AbramsRonnie Cottrell
Monroe County (3-7)Mitchell TurbervilleShannon Felder
Monroe County (1-9)Quincy RobinsonShannon Felder
Monroe County (1-9)Quincy RobinsonShannon Felder
New Brockton (9-2)Scott BasdenZack Holmes
New Brockton (4-6)Zack HolmesZack Holmes
Northside Methodist Academy (10-2)Chris HillikerToby Greene
Northside Methodist Academy (3-7)Toby GreeneToby Greene
Oakman (7-5)Tyler CraneRyan Hall
Ohatchee (0-3)Chris Findley
Ohatchee (9-3)Scott Martin4/Chris FindleyChris Findley
Ohatchee (9-3)Scott Martin4/Chris FindleyChris Findley
Opp (9-4)Erik SpeakmanErik Speakman
Opp (9-3)Mike DuboseErik Speakman
Phil Campbell (8-3)Eric HudsonKevin Barnwell
Phil Campbell (7-4)Kevin BarnwellKevin Barnwell
Piedmont (11-3)Michael WilliamsSteve Smith
Piedmont (13-2)Steve SmithSteve Smith
Pike County (0-9)Fred HollandSteve Smith
Pike County (0-9)Fred HollandMark Hurt
Plainview (7-4)Nick LedbetterDale Pruitt
Plainview (7-4)Nick LedbetterDale Pruitt
Prattville Christian (3-7)Norman DeanNorman Dean
Saks (12-2)Jonathan MillerJonathan Miller
Sheffield (2-8)Harold WisdomBrian Dickerson
Slocomb (8-4)Richard TisdaleBryant Garrison
St. James (0-10)P.J. WrightP.J. Wright
Straughn (5-5)Brian BradfordBrian Bradford
Sumter Central (7-4)David PowellDavid Powell
Susan Moore (4-6)Heath LauderdaleStephen Jackson
Susan Moore (4-6)Heath LauderdaleStephen Jackson
Sylvania (7-4)Rob CarterRob Carter
T.R. Miller (10-3)Brent HubbertBrent Hubbert
Tarrant (0-8)Jesse ReedRico Jackson
Tarrant (0-8)Jesse ReedRico Jackson
Thomasville (5-6)Greg CragerEric Collier
Thomasville (5-6)Greg CragerClint Anderson
Trinity (9-3)Granger ShookGranger Shook
Weaver (1-9)Gary AtchleyJeremiah Stricklin
Westbrook Christian (4-6)Drew NolesDrew Noles
Whitesburg Christian (3-7)Jimmy NaveJimmy Nave
Whitesburg Christian (3-7)Jimmy NaveJimmy Nave

 Most Victories 
   Class 3A includes some of the winningest coaches with four over the 200 win mark and fifteen topping the 100 win milestone. Both are tops for any classification. They are led by Steve Smith at Piedmont. The Bulldogs are coming off another great season and a state championship. With a good returning class look for them to be in the thick of things come December.

    The next two on our list made moves during the off season with Hugh Fountain landing at W.S. Neal with hopes of rebuilding that program and Dale Pruit returning to Plainview for the third time.

Steve Smith Piedmont 271 78
Hugh Fountain W.S. Neal 253 133
Dale Pruitt Plainview 253 109
Bob Godsey Madison Academy 210 75
Michael Robertson Hokes Bluff 170 121
Jeff Smith Walter Wellborn 164 111
Drew Noles Westbrook Christian 154 94
Pat Prestridge Randolph County 150 84
Jimmy Perry St. James 144 67
Doug Vickery Jr. Flomaton 140 104
Andro Williams Danville 129 54
David McKinney Winfield 126 51
Ronnie Cottrell Mobile Christian 117 78
Toby Greene Northside Methodist 107 105
Roger McDonald Dadeville 100 69
Bobby Parrish Cottage Hill Christian 99 63
Jonathan Miller Saks 93 28

 Longest Tenure at Current School 
   With eleven head coaches with at least ten seasons at their current school, class 3A has the longest average tenure of all the classifications at 5.4 years. Michael Robertson at Hokes Bluff and Dale Pruitt at Plainview are tied for the longest tenures in the state with 27 years at their current schools.

    Eleven head football coaches in 3A have been at their current school more than ten seasons. That is the most of any classification.

27 - Michael Robertson, Hokes Bluff
27 - Dale Pruitt, Plainview
17 - Doug Vickery Jr., Flomaton
17 - Steve Smith, Piedmont
17 - Pat Prestridge, Randolph County
14 - Jeff Smith, Walter Wellborn
12 - Rod Isaac, Midfield
11 - Kenny Keith, Providence Christian
11 - Jonathan Miller, Saks
11 - Jimmy Perry, St. James
10 - David McKinney, Winfield
8 - Hugh Fountain, W.S. Neal
7 - Taylor Leathers, Colbert Heights
7 - Jeff Mason, Lauderdale County
7 - Darrell Higgins, Mars Hill
7 - Ronnie Cottrell, Mobile Christian
6 - Keith Garner, Brindlee Mountain
6 - Stephen Robinson, Vinemont
5 - Michael Parker, Clements
5 - Kevin Barnwell, Phil Campbell

 Coaching Turnover 2000-2022 
   The lack of success in most football programs often leads to a change in the head coach. These schools have had the most head coaching changes over the past 23 years. There are no surprises on this list. No teams here would be considered a consistent winning program.

13 Daleville  
12 Greensboro  
11 Carbon Hill  
11 Monroe County  
10 Cottage Hill Christian  
9 Alabama Christian  
9 Elkmont  
9 Excel  
8 Ohatchee  
8 Clements  
8 Prattville Christian  
8 Vinemont  
8 W.S. Neal  

David Parker

Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History

Foley outscored their opponents 433-6 in 1961. The Lions were named state champions by the Alabama Sports Writers Association that season.