Research Tips
Want to help but don't know how or where to begin?
- Newspapers are the best source to find scores. Most Libraries have microfilm available for viewing the local newspapers. The colleges and Universities also have microfilm. Don't be shy or intimidated about asking for assistance as I have found most librarians more than eager to assist me. I would suggest eating well and taking some snacks if you tend to suffer from motion sickness.
- Weekly newspapers are better because they consolidate a weeks worth of information into one newspaper and usually do not rely upon the wire services.
- Yearbooks are less reliable sources because for some unknown reason they tended not to put the scores of games in order. They also miss the score of 10% of the games played in yearbooks prior to 1970.
- I never trust word of mouth. People think they remember things but often are incorrect about game scores. They can be a great source for history just not the score of a game.
- Most libraries have a series of books on the history of each county. Every book has the history of education in that particular county. They do not cover every school but are a good source for finding history of the older schools.
- When collecting scores always get the date and location of the game. You will regret it later if you don't. And, find out the coach of the team for the season.
Good luck with your research!
Warning: Researching can be addictive!
Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History
Robby James has won nine AISA State Championships during his career at Catherine Academy, Morgan Academy and Marengo Academy.
Robby James has won nine AISA State Championships during his career at Catherine Academy, Morgan Academy and Marengo Academy.