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Hokes Bluff Championship Teams

Hokes Bluff Championship Teams.  The coach, opponent and season record are included where applicable.

3A Baseball Mike Estes (26-5)  2-0  LAMP

3A Baseball Mike Estes (31-7)  2-1  Washington County

3A Baseball Mike Estes (26-12)  2-1  Montgomery Academy

3A Baseball Mike Estes (26-6)  2-1  Montgomery Academy

4A Baseball Mike Estes (33-10)  2-1  Demopolis

4A Baseball Mike Estes (28-4)  2-0  Gulf Shores

3A Football Michael Robertson (13-2)  23-0  Tarrant

4A Slow Pitch Softball Jill Boatwright ()  11-1  Ashford

4A Slow Pitch Softball Jill Boatwright (42-18)  15-4  East Lawrence

1A/2A Girls Cross Country Butch Barker ()    

2A Baseball Mike Estes ()  2-1  Holtville

2A Baseball Mike Estes ()  2-1  Elmore County

1A/2A Baseball Mike Estes ()  2-0  Elmore County

Great Moments in Alabama High School Sports History

The Alabama High School Athletic Association was first organized in 1921.