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College Head Coaches

Bernie H. Moore

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 Season   Bowl   Conference 
 Team   Season   W/L/T   PF  PA      Conference  Title  W/L/T   PF   PA 
Louisiana State 
 Louisiana State 1947 5-3-1149161Southeastern2-3-195121
 Louisiana State 1946 9-1-1240123Tied 0-0Southeastern5-1140101
 Louisiana State 1945 7-224592Southeastern5-217280
 Louisiana State 1944 2-5-192101Southeastern2-3-17980
 Louisiana State 1943 6-3162158Won 19-14Southeastern2-268102
 Louisiana State 1942 7-3192117Southeastern3-26270
 Louisiana State 1941 4-4-211993Southeastern2-2-25440
 Louisiana State 1940 6-4139112Southeastern3-35582
 Louisiana State 1939 4-5111116Southeastern1-558109
 Louisiana State 1938 6-416089Southeastern2-45883
 Louisiana State 1937 9-223433Lost 0-6Southeastern5-110821
 Louisiana State 1936 9-1-129554Lost 14-21Southeastern#6-014313
 Louisiana State 1935 9-222341Lost 2-3Southeastern#5-09515

Totals13 Years83-39-6236112901-3-143-28-61187917

Records reflect scores in our database. Some records may be incomplete.

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Chief Osceola, the Florida State mascot who rides out and plants a flaming spear at midfield before each home game, has been approved by Florida's Seminole Indian Tribe.