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College Football Head Coaches

Alphabetical List of Coaches

This is an alphabetical list of all the coaches in our database. New coaches are added as they are discovered.

  Taggart, Willie
  Taggert, Willie
  Tallman, Charles C.  "Trusty"
  Tambling, Charles
  Tammariello, Augie
  Tasker, J. Wilder
  Tate, Bill
  Tate, Charlie
  Tatum, James M.  "Jim"
  Taube, Mel
  Taylor, C.W.
  Taylor, Charles A.  "Chuck"
  Taylor, Frank L.
  Taylor, Fred
  Taylor, Hugh  "Bones"
  Taylor, Lance
  Taylor, LeVerne H.  "Kip"
  Taylor, Troy
  Teaff, Grant
  Tebell, G.K.  "Gus"
  Tedford, Jeff
  Teetzel, Clayton T.
  Teevens, Eugene  "Buddy"
  Tepper, Lou
  Terry, William L.  "Gander"
  Texas, Arthur St. L.
  Thacker, Ralph W.
  Theder, Roger
  Thistlethwaite, Glenn F.
  Thomas, Charles
  Thomas, Frank W.
  Thomas, Jesse
  Thompson, Frank
  Thompson, John
  Thompson, John A.
  Thompson, Joseph H.
  Thompson, S.H.
  Thomsen, Chris
  Thomsen, Fred C.
  Thorne, Enoch C.
  Thornhill, Claude E.  "Tiny"
  Thornton, Henry
  Tidwell, Billy
  Tigert, J.J.
  Tiller, Joe
  Tilson, Sumner D. & Henry Macauley Mac McEver  "Tex"
  Tinsley, Gaynell  "Gus"
  Tipton, E.M.
  Tisdel, Jeff
  Titchenal, Robert  "Bob"
  Tobin, John Harry Ludlow
  Tohill, Billy
  Toledo, Bob
  Tolley, Rick
  Tollner, Ted
  Tomey, Dick
  Tomlin, John
  Tomlinson, J.A.
  Toner, John
  Toomey, George E.
  Torbush, Carl
  Tormey, Chris
  Trachok, Dick
  Traeger, William I.  "Bill"
  Tranquill, Gary
  Traylor, Jeff
  Treadwell, Don
  Trenchard, Thomas  "Doggie"
  Trenchard, Thomas Gawthrop  "Doggie"
  Tressel, Jim
  Trosko, Fred
  Trotter, Harry
  Trout, Harry E.
  Tubbs, Irl I.
  Tuberville, Tommy
  Tucker, Mel
  Tudor, Herbert O.
  Turnbull, Ray
  Turner, L.C.
  Turner, Ron
  Twitchell, Alvin G.
  Tyler, Bob

Records reflect scores in our database. Some records may be incomplete.

Great Moments in College Football History

Before every home game, flowers are placed at the graves of every former Uga (the English Bulldog mascot of Georgia).