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College Football Head Coaches

Alphabetical List of Coaches

This is an alphabetical list of all the coaches in our database. New coaches are added as they are discovered.

  Faber, John E.  "Jack"
  Fairbanks, Chuck
  Fairbanks, H.L.
  Fairchild, Steve
  Fambrough, Don
  Faragher, James F.
  Farley, Bo
  Farwick, A.W.
  Fassel, Jim
  Faulkinberry, Frank
  Faulkinberry, Russ
  Faunce, Everette G.  "Ev"
  Faurot, Don B.
  Faust, Gerry
  Fauver, C.K.
  Fazio, Serafino  "Foge"
  Feathers, Beattie
  Febel, Fritz
  Fedora, Larry
  Feix, Jimmy
  Feldman, Rudy
  Felker, Rockey
  Fennell, Thomas F.  "Tom"
  Ferbert, Gustave
  Ferentz, Kirk
  Ferris, C.B.
  Fertig, Craig
  Fesler, Wesley E.  "Wes"
  Fetzer, Robert A. & William M. Fetzer  "Bob"
  Fetzer, William M.  "Bill"
  Fickell, Luke
  Fickert, C.M.
  Field, Joe J
  Finch, Ron
  Finney, W.F.
  Finney, W.P.
  Finsterwald, Russ
  Firestone, Forest
  Firth, Charles
  Fisch, Jedd
  Fiser, Lud
  Fisher, H.F.
  Fisher, Jimbo
  Fitzgerald, Dennis
  Fitzgerald, Pat
  Fitzpatrick, Thomas M.
  Flack, A.
  Fleager, Dixie
  Fleck, P.J.
  Fletcher, Howard
  Flood, Greg
  Flood, Kyle
  Floyd, Johnny  "Red"
  Flynn, Dick
  Foldberg, Henry  "Hank"
  Foley, William
  Folsom, Fred G.
  Folwell, Robert C.  "Bob"
  Forbes, Robert W.
  Forbes, Stuart
  Forbes, W.J.
  Ford, Danny
  Ford, George
  Ford, Ross V.  "Flivver"
  Ford, Warwick
  Forest, Hunter
  Forkum, Carl S.
  Forsythe, Jack
  Forzano, Richard  "Rick"
  Foster, Amos P.
  Foster, DeShaun
  Foster, Dixon
  Foster, George  "Sanford"
  Fouts, Theron J.
  Franchione, Dennis
  Francis, Sam
  Franklin, James
  Franks, Carl
  Freeland, Ewing
  Freeland, Ewing Y.
  Freeman, Jim
  Freeman, Marcus
  Freeze, Hugh
  Frei, Jerry
  Frick, J.F.
  Friedgen, Ralph
  Fritz, Willie
  Frnka, Henry E.
  Frost, Gordon B.
  Frost, Scott
  Fry, Hayden
  Fry, Wesley L.
  Fuente, Justin
  Fulcher, Bill
  Fuller, Jim
  Fuller, Leon
  Fuller, Myron E.
  Fulmer, Phillip
  Fultz, David L.
  Fuoss, Donald E.  "Don"
  Furman, Fred
  Fusia, Vic
  Futrall, John C.

Records reflect scores in our database. Some records may be incomplete.

Great Moments in College Football History

The first college football National Champion was Princeton. They received the honor in 1869 and only played two games.