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College Football Head Coaches

Alphabetical List of Coaches

This is an alphabetical list of all the coaches in our database. New coaches are added as they are discovered.

  Gage, J.W.
  Gailey, Chan
  Galbraith, H.B.
  Galbraith, William
  Galley, Robert R.
  Gamage, Harry G.
  Gargan, Howard
  Garrity, Henry M.  "Hank"
  Gary, Mitchell
  Gass, Floyd
  Gatling, Bart
  Gaumer, Gladwin
  Gauthier, George E.
  Gee, Mutt
  Geiges, Elwood
  Genyk, Jeff
  George, Elmore
  George, Raymond
  German, Bert
  Gibbs, Gary
  Gibson, Bob
  Gibson, Claude
  Gibson, Vince
  Giddings, Mike
  Giese, Warren
  Gilbert, Claude
  Gilbertson, Keith
  Gildersleeve, Willard
  Gill, Charles O.
  Gill, Eugene  "Luke"
  Gill, Eugene & Tom Kaulukukui  "Luke"
  Gill, John W.
  Gill, Thomas A.  "Andy"
  Gill, Turner
  Gillette, Leslie
  Gillman, Sid
  Glascock, Jack
  Glassford, J. William  "Bill"
  Glaze, Ralph
  Gleason, Ken
  Glenn, Dr. Marshall  "Little Sleepy"
  Glenn, Joe
  Goddard, Henry
  Goff, Ray
  Golden, Al
  Golden, William N.  "Pop"
  Goldsmith, Fred
  Golesh, Alex
  Gonterman, Madison G.
  Gonzales, Danny
  Goodrich, Ernest
  Goodwin, William
  Goodwin, William B.
  Goodyear, William
  Gore, Harold
  Gorton, Frank H.
  Gottfried, Mike
  Governali, Paul
  Graber, Doug
  Grady, Dennis H.
  Graham, Ralph M.
  Graham, Todd
  Grandelius, Everett  "Sonny"
  Grantham, Jim
  Grass, John
  Graves, D.V.
  Graves, Ernest
  Graves, Harmon S.
  Graves, Ray
  Graves, William P.
  Green, Dennis
  Green, Edward L.  "Eddie"
  Green, Fred
  Green, Jack
  Green, Reed
  Greenwood, Don
  Gregg, Forrest
  Gregg, John P.
  Griffin, M.
  Griffith, Clarence J.
  Griffith, John G.  "Pinky"
  Griffith, Johnny
  Grobe, Jim
  Groh, Al
  Guepe, Arthur L  "Art"
  Guepe, Arthur L.  "Art"
  Gullum, Frank
  Gundy, Mike
  Gustafson, Andy
  Gutekunst, John
  Guy, Brent
  Guyer, Roy
  Guyn, J. White
  Gwinn, L.

Records reflect scores in our database. Some records may be incomplete.

Great Moments in College Football History

The first college football game was broadcast on television in 1939. The teams involved were Fordham University and Waynesburg College.