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College Football Head Coaches

Alphabetical List of Coaches

This is an alphabetical list of all the coaches in our database. New coaches are added as they are discovered.

  R., Lewis R.  "Freeman"
  Rabenhorst, Harry A.
  Rader, Dave
  Raffensperger, Leonard
  Rahne, Ricky
  Railsback, Joseph
  Rainsberger, Ellis
  Ralston, John
  Randle, Sonny
  Randleman, Ron
  Rane, F. William  "John"
  Ransom, Dr. Thomas
  Rasnick, Rick
  Ray, John
  Raymond, Jerry
  Read, Don
  Redd, Henry B.  "Puss"
  Redington, George O.
  Reed, Daniel A.  "Dan"
  Reed, Hal
  Reed, Thomas  "Tom"
  Reedy, Chuck
  Rees, Trevor J.
  Reeves, Cmdr. Joseph M.  "Joe"
  Reid, Jim
  Reid, John B.
  Reilly, Archer
  Reilly, Joseph Joe &Joseph Kenney
  Rein, Bo
  Reisner, G.A.
  Reiss, L.W.
  Remsburg, Frank
  Renfro, E.T.
  Reynolds, Billy
  Reynolds, Charles W.P.  "Pete"
  Reynolds, William A.
  Rheinschild, Walter M
  Rhoades, Rick
  Rhoads, Paul
  Rhodes, John R.
  Rhule, Matt
  Rice, Homer
  Richards, Dick
  Richards, John R.
  Richt, Mark
  Riddick, W.C.
  Rider, George L.
  Riggs, Walter M.
  Riley, Charles
  Riley, Lincoln
  Riley, Mike
  Ristine, A.W.
  Ritchie, W.J.
  Rix, J. Burton
  Roach, Paul
  Robbins, Fred
  Roberts, C.J.
  Roberts, Dave
  Roberts, Fred
  Roberts, Steve
  Robertson, Sam
  Robinson, Arthur P.
  Robinson, Dr. Frederick A.
  Robinson, Edward N.
  Robinson, Greg
  Robinson, H.L.
  Robinson, Harry O.
  Robinson, Harvey
  Robinson, John
  Robinson, Sid
  Rocco, Danny
  Rockafeller, Harry J.
  Rockne, Knute  "Kenneth"
  Rockwell, Ferdinand A.  "Tod"
  Rodgers, Pepper
  Rodriguez, Rich
  Rodriquez, Rich
  Rogers, Darryl D.
  Rogers, Ira Errett  "Rat"
  Rogers, John T.
  Rogers, Tom
  Rolovich, Nick
  Romney, E. Lowell  "Dick"
  Romney, G. Ottinger  "Ott"
  Roning, John O.
  Roof, Ted
  Roper, William W.  "Bill"
  Rose, Glen
  Rose, Tim
  Ross, Bobby
  Rossley, Tom
  Rothgeb, Claude J.
  Rothwell, Matt
  Rowan, Jack C.
  Rowe, Reddy
  Royal, Darrell
  Royer, Herb
  Royer, Lee
  Rush, Clive H.
  Russ, John
  Russell, Clarence W.
  Russell, Erk
  Russell, Harvey N.  "Rusty"
  Russell, Lloyd
  Rust, Rod
  Rutherford, R.B.
  Ruthrauff, William M.
  Rutigliano, Sam
  Ryan, John R.  "Jack"
  Ryder, Jack
  Rynearson, Elton J.

Records reflect scores in our database. Some records may be incomplete.

Great Moments in College Football History

The first college football game was broadcast on television in 1939. The teams involved were Fordham University and Waynesburg College.