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College Head Coaches

Frank Howard

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 Season   Bowl   Conference 
 Team   Season   W/L/T   PF  PA      Conference  Title  W/L/T   PF   PA 
 Clemson 1969 4-6178250Atlantic Coast3-3144121
 Clemson 1968 4-5-1184179Atlantic Coast4-1-112682
 Clemson 1967 6-4166128Atlantic Coast#6-011838
 Clemson 1966 6-4174177Atlantic Coast#6-1162108
 Clemson 1965 5-5117137Atlantic Coast#4-39976
 Clemson 1964 3-7105135Atlantic Coast2-45388
 Clemson 1963 5-4-1181140Atlantic Coast5-216075
 Clemson 1962 6-4168130Atlantic Coast5-18560
 Clemson 1961 5-5199126Atlantic Coast3-311269
 Clemson 1960 6-4197124Atlantic Coast4-210856
 Clemson 1959 9-2285103Won 23-7Atlantic Coast#6-118177
 Clemson 1958 8-3169138Lost 0-7Atlantic Coast#5-18780
 Clemson 1957 7-321678Atlantic Coast4-38565
 Clemson 1956 7-2-2167101Lost 21-27Atlantic Coast#4-0-15013
 Clemson 1955 7-3206144Atlantic Coast3-17959
 Clemson 1954 5-5193121Atlantic Coast1-24049
 Clemson 1953 3-5-1139172Atlantic Coast1-22534
 Clemson 1952 2-6-1112157Independent
 Clemson 1951 7-319697Lost 0-14Southern
 Clemson 1950 9-0-134476Won 15-14Southern
 Clemson 1949 4-4-2232216Southern
 Clemson 1948 11-027476Won 24-23Southern#
 Clemson 1947 4-5206146Southern
 Clemson 1946 4-5147174Southern
 Clemson 1945 6-3-121173Southern
 Clemson 1944 4-5165179Southern
 Clemson 1943 2-694185Southern
 Clemson 1942 3-6-1100138Southern
 Clemson 1941 7-223390Southern
 Clemson 1940 6-2-118273Southern#

Totals30 Years165-118-12554040633-366-30-1217141150

Records reflect scores in our database. Some records may be incomplete.

Great Moments in College Football History

Touchdowns in college football were originally counted as three points.