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Alabama All-Star Game


      The North All-Stars came back from a 7-6 halftime deficit to gain a 12-7 triumph and even the series at four victories each, with two ties. The winning touchdown came after Hamilton guard Hayward Nixon recovered a South fumble on the Rebel ten yard line in the third quarter. It took the North four plays to score.

      With Coffee High Quarterback Tootie Hill directing both drives, Halfback Jack Cochrane of Cherokee scored the two North TO's on sprints of five and two yards. Valley's Mickey Entrekin dived four yards and Clift's Robert Guinn converted to hand the Rebs their intermission advantage. Hill, top ground gainer for the night, was named Most Outstanding Back, while Anniston End Henry O'Steen was elected top lineman.

      The winning coaching staff was made up of Head Coach Hayden Riley, Coffee High School and aids Marvin Rice, Corner; Ernest V. Newman, Jacksonville; John Meadows, Hanceville; and Bill Nichols, Butler of Huntsville. Morris Higginbotham, West Blocton, headed the South staff, helped by Hub Hawkins, Enterprise; Doug Lockridge, Valley, Gri Cashio, Shades Valley; and Don Anderson, Frisco City.

 North Roster 
 Player   Team   Position   Ht.   Wt.   Class   College 
 Bill Baggett  Corner HB5-10 180Sr.  Auburn
 Billy Buckelew  Walker C5-11 190Sr.  
 Pratt Busby  Woodlawn S6-1 185Sr.  Vanderbilt
  Harry Clark  Butler HB 160Sr.  
 Jack Cochran  Cherokee DB5-9 170Sr.  Alabama
 Freddie Cruce  Coffee HB5-10 175Sr.  Alabama
  James Franks  Ensley LB 175Sr.  
  Eugene Gann  Hamilton HB 180Sr.  
 Bill Grimes  Coffee G6-1 190Sr.  Georgia Tech
 Larry Hammett  Jacksonville MG 200Sr.  Southern Miss
 Eugene Hicks  Lamar County E6-3 200Sr.  Ole Miss
 Billy Hill  Coffee QB6-0 165Sr.  Mississippi State
 Guin Holland  Decatur FB5-11 170Sr.  Auburn
  Glenn Kimbrough  Ensley T 220Sr.  
  Victor Laxson  Huntsville DE 190Sr.  
 Jimmy Livingston  Holt E5-11 170Sr.  
 Hayward Nixon  Hamilton MG5-10 205Sr.  Alabama
 Henry OSteen  Anniston E6-2 190Sr.  Alabama
 Bob Patrick  Woodlawn G5-11 200Sr.  Vanderbilt
 Jim Pettus  Oxford DB5-9 175Sr.  Auburn
  Henry Prater  Coffee DE 175Sr.  
 Wiley Reaves  Randolph County DT6-1 205Sr.  Alabama
 Jack Rutledge  Woodlawn LB5-11 190Sr.  Alabama
 Jim Ryan  Decatur C5-10 215Sr.  
 Benny Shepherd  Woodlawn T6-1 200Sr.  Vanderbilt
 Dale Williams  Sheffield T6-2 195Sr.  Georgia Tech

 South Roster 
 Player   Team   Position   Ht.   Wt.   Class   College 
 Don Bailey  Tuscaloosa DE6-0 180Sr.  
  Gerald Burch  McGill E 185Sr.  
 Bill Coleman  Lanett DB5-11 175Sr.  Southwest Miss. College
 Billy Ellisor  Sidney Lanier B5-11 175Sr.  
 Mickey Entrekin  Valley HB5-10 162Sr.  
 David Favors  Central Phenix City MG5-10 262Sr.  Alabama
 Wayne Frazier  Evergreen LB6-3 210Sr.  Auburn
 Robert Guinn  Opelika DT6-0 200Sr.  
  Jerry Gulledge  McGill G Sr.  
 Neil Henderson  Enterprise E6-3 195Sr.  Auburn
 David Hicks  West Blocton QB5-11 210Sr.  Alabama
  Roy Holsomback  West Blocton T 195Sr.  Alabama
 Charles House  Shades Valley C5-9 180Sr.  
 Wilbur Hufham  Sidney Lanier E6-3 180Sr.  Alabama
 Wallace Hulgan  Charles Henderson HB5-11 189Sr.  Alabama
  Ned Lindsey  Lanett FB 185Sr.  Clemson
 Danny Mastream  Foley C5-11 180Sr.  
 Larry McCoy  Tuscaloosa G5-11 185Sr.  Alabama
 Erskine Mercer  Demopolis HB5-10 155Sr.  Tennessee Chattanooga
 Bud Moore  West End E6-3 205Sr.  Alabama
  Frank Meyers  Sidney Lanier T6-1 230Sr.  Auburn
 Gordon Nix  Greenville DT6-2 198Sr.  Auburn
 Gary Phillips  Dothan G5-11 190Sr.  Alabama
 Walt Sansing  West Blocton B6-0 195Sr.  Alabama
 Phillip Savage  Murphy G5-9 185Sr.  
 Laurien Stapp  Shades Valley DB5-11 175Sr.  Alabama
 Russell Stutts  Shades Valley G5-10 183Sr.  Alabama
 Tommy White  West Blocton HB5-8 180Sr.  Alabama

Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History

Alabama School for the Deaf won Deaf School National Championships in 1971, 1987, 1991, 2000, 2001 and 2002.